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--[[ This module is intended to replace the functionality of {{Coord}} and related templates. It provides several methods, including {{#Invoke:Coordinates | coord }} : General function formatting and displaying coordinate values. {{#Invoke:Coordinates | dec2dms }} : Simple function for converting decimal degree values to DMS format. g {{#Invoke:Coordinates | dms2dec }} : Simple function for converting DMS format to decimal degree format. ]] local stylesheetLink = 'Module:Coordinates/styles.css' local math_mod = require( "Module:Math" ); local coordinates = {}; local globe_list = '||earth|mercury|venus|moon|mars|phobos|deimos|ganymede|callisto|io|europa|mimas|enceladus|tethys|dione|rhea|titan|hyperion|iapetus|phoebe|miranda|ariel|umbriel|titania|oberon|triton|pluto|charon|ceres|vesta|' local Display = ''; --[[ Helper function, replacement for {{coord/display/title}} ]] function displaytitle (s, notes) return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'indicator', content = s .. notes, args = { name = '0-coord' } }; end --[[ Helper function, Replacement for {{coord/display/inline}} ]] function displayinline (s, notes) return s .. notes end --[[ Helper function, used in detecting DMS formatting ]] local dmsTest = function(first, second) local concatenated = first:upper() .. second:upper(); if concatenated == "NE" or concatenated == "NW" or concatenated == "SE" or concatenated == "SW" or concatenated == "EN" or concatenated == "WN" or concatenated == "ES" or concatenated == "WS" then return true; end return false; end --[[ parseDec Transforms decimal format latitude and longitude into the a structure to be used in displaying coordinates ]] function parseDec( lat, long, format ) local coordinateSpec = {} local errors = {} errors = validate( lat, nil, nil, long, nil, nil, 'parseDec', false ); if #errors ~= 0 then return nil, errors end coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] = lat; coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = long; local mode = coordinates.determineMode( lat, long ); coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] = convert_dec2dms( lat, " с. ш.", " ю. ш.", mode) -- {{coord/dec2dms|{{{1}}}|N|S|{{coord/prec dec|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}}} coordinateSpec["dms-long"] = convert_dec2dms( long, " в. д.", " з. д.", mode) -- {{coord/dec2dms|{{{2}}}|E|W|{{coord/prec dec|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}}} if format ~= "" then coordinateSpec.default = format else coordinateSpec.default = "dms" end return coordinateSpec, errors end --[[ Helper function, handle optional args. ]] function optionalArg(arg, suplement, bool) if arg ~= nil and arg ~= "" then arg = (tonumber( arg ) % 1 == 0 or not bool) and string.format( "%02d", arg ) or string.format( "%02.2f", arg):gsub('%.', ',') return arg .. suplement end return "" end --[[ parseDMS Transforms degrees, minutes, seconds format latitude and longitude into the a structure to be used in displaying coordinates ]] function parseDMS( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_f, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_f, format ) local coordinateSpec = {} local errors = {} lat_f = lat_f:upper(); long_f = long_f:upper(); -- Check if specified backward if lat_f == 'E' or lat_f == 'W' then local t_d, t_m, t_s, t_f; t_d = lat_d; t_m = lat_m; t_s = lat_s; t_f = lat_f; lat_d = long_d; lat_m = long_m; lat_s = long_s; lat_f = long_f; long_d = t_d; long_m = t_m; long_s = t_s; long_f = t_f; end errors = validate( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, long_d, long_m, long_s, 'parseDMS', true ); if #errors ~= 0 then return nil, errors end coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] = convert_dms2dec(lat_f, lat_d, lat_m, lat_s) -- {{coord/dms2dec|{{{4}}}|{{{1}}}|0{{{2}}}|0{{{3}}}}} coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = convert_dms2dec(long_f, long_d, long_m, long_s) -- {{coord/dms2dec|{{{8}}}|{{{5}}}|0{{{6}}}|0{{{7}}}}} if lat_m == nil and lat_s == nil and long_m == nil and long_s == nil and #errors == 0 or math_mod._precision( lat_d ) > 0 or math_mod._precision( long_d ) > 0 then if lat_f:upper() == 'S' then lat_d = '-' .. lat_d; lat_f = " ю. ш."; else lat_f = " с. ш."; end if long_f:upper() == 'W' then long_d = '-' .. long_d; long_f = " з. д."; else long_f = " в. д."; end return parseDec( lat_d, long_d, format ); end if lat_f:upper() == 'S' then lat_f = " ю. ш."; else lat_f = " с. ш."; end if long_f:upper() == 'E' then long_f = " в. д."; else long_f = " з. д."; end if lat_s == '0' and long_s == '0' then lat_s, long_s = nil, nil if lat_m == '0' and long_m == '0' then lat_m, long_m = nil, nil end end coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] = lat_d.."°"..optionalArg(lat_m,"′", true) .. optionalArg(lat_s,"″") .. lat_f coordinateSpec["dms-long"] = long_d.."°"..optionalArg(long_m,"′", true) .. optionalArg(long_s,"″") .. long_f if format ~= "" then coordinateSpec.default = format else coordinateSpec.default = "dms" end return coordinateSpec, errors end --[[ splitParam Split the parameter string and convert it into an object. ]] function splitParam( param ) local out = {} for pair in mw.text.gsplit( param, '_', true ) do local keyValue = mw.text.split( pair, ':', true ) if #keyValue == 2 then out[keyValue[1]] = keyValue[2] end end return out end --[[ specPrinter Output formatter. Takes the structure generated by either parseDec or parseDMS and formats it for inclusion on Wikipedia. ]] function specPrinter(args) local coordinateSpec, errors = formatTest(args) if coordinateSpec == nil then return errors end local param = coordinateSpec["param"] .. '_' .. coordinateSpec["extra_param"] local uriComponents = param if uriComponents == "" then -- RETURN error, should never be empty or nil return "Ошибка: не задан param" end if args["name"] ~= "" and args["name"] ~= nil then uriComponents = uriComponents .. "&title=" .. mw.uri.encode(coordinateSpec["name"]) end local text = '' local lat = tonumber( coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] ) or 0 if lat < 0 then -- FIXME this breaks the pre-existing precision geodeclat = coordinateSpec["dec-lat"]:sub(2):gsub('%.', ',') .. "° ю. ш." else geodeclat = (coordinateSpec["dec-lat"]:gsub('%.', ',') or 0) .. "° с. ш." end local long = tonumber( coordinateSpec["dec-long"] ) or 0 if long < 0 then -- FIXME does not handle unicode minus geodeclong = coordinateSpec["dec-long"]:sub(2):gsub('%.', ',') .. "° з. д." else geodeclong = (coordinateSpec["dec-long"]:gsub('%.', ',') or 0) .. "° в. д." end local geodmshtml = '<span class="geo-dms" title="Различные карты и схемы для этого места">' .. '<span class="latitude">' .. coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] .. '</span> ' .. '<span class="longitude">' ..coordinateSpec["dms-long"] .. '</span>' .. '</span>' local geodechtml = '<span class="geo-dec" title="Различные карты и схемы для этого места">' .. geodeclat .. ' ' .. geodeclong .. '</span>' local geonumhtml = '<span class="geo">' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. '; ' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. '</span>' local inner; inner = '<span class="geo-geo-' .. coordinateSpec.default .. '"><span class="geo-dms">' .. geodmshtml .. '</span>' .. '<span class="geo-multi-punct"> / </span>' .. '<span class="geo-dec">'; if args["name"] == "" or args["name"] == nil then inner = inner .. geodechtml .. '<span style="display:none"> / ' .. geonumhtml .. '</span></span></span>' else inner = inner .. '<span class="vcard">' .. geodechtml .. '<span style="display:none"> / ' .. geonumhtml .. '</span>' .. '<span style="display:none"> (<span class="fn org">' .. args["name"] .. '</span>)</span></span></span></span>' end local params = splitParam( param ) local type = string.gsub( string.lower( params.type or '' ), '%(.+$', '' ) local scale if args.scale and args.scale ~= '' then scale = tonumber( args.scale ) end if not scale then local typeScale = { adm1st = 1000000, adm2nd = 300000, adm3rd = 100000, airport = 30000, city = 100000, country = 10000000, edu = 10000, event = 50000, forest = 50000, glacier = 50000, isle = 100000, landmark = 10000, mountain = 100000, pass = 10000, railwaystation = 10000, river = 100000, satellite = 10000000, waterbody = 100000, camera = 10000 } if typeScale[type] then scale = typeScale[type] else scale = 30000 end end if scale < 2000 then zoom = 18 elseif scale < 5000 then zoom = 17 elseif scale < 10000 then zoom = 16 elseif scale < 20000 then zoom = 15 elseif scale < 40000 then zoom = 14 elseif scale < 80000 then zoom = 13 elseif scale < 160000 then zoom = 12 elseif scale < 320000 then zoom = 11 elseif scale < 640000 then zoom = 10 elseif scale < 1280000 then zoom = 9 elseif scale < 2560000 then zoom = 8 elseif scale < 5120000 then zoom = 7 elseif scale < 10240000 then zoom = 6 elseif scale < 20480000 then zoom = 5 elseif scale < 40960000 then zoom = 4 else zoom = 3 end if coordinateSpec.default == 'dec' then text = geodeclat .. ' ' .. geodeclong else text = coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] .. ' ' .. coordinateSpec["dms-long"] end local maplinkArgs = { ['latitude'] = coordinateSpec['dec-lat'], ['longitude'] = coordinateSpec['dec-long'], ['zoom'] = zoom, ['text'] = text, ['title'] = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, ['lang'] = 'ru' } if coordinateSpec['name'] and coordinateSpec['name'] ~= '' then maplinkArgs['title'] = coordinateSpec['name'] end local maplinkMarkerSymbol = 'star' local markerSymbols = { adm1st = 'city', adm2nd = 'city', adm3rd = 'city', airport = 'airport', city = 'city', country = 'city', edu = 'college', forest = 'park', glacier = 'mountain', mountain = 'mountain', pass = 'mountain', railwaystation = 'rail', river = 'water', satellite = 'rocket', waterbody = 'water', camera = 'attraction' } if markerSymbols[type] then maplinkMarkerSymbol = markerSymbols[type] end local maplinkContent = [[ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ ]] .. coordinateSpec['dec-long'] .. [[, ]] .. coordinateSpec['dec-lat'] .. [[ ] }, "properties": { "title": "]] .. mw.text.encode( maplinkArgs['title'] ) .. [[", "marker-symbol": "]] .. maplinkMarkerSymbol .. [[", "marker-color": "#3366cc" } } ]]; local globe = string.lower( args.globe or params.globe or '' ) if globe == '' then globe = 'earth' end local result = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = stylesheetLink } } .. '<span class="coordinates plainlinks nourlexpansion" data-param="' .. mw.text.encode( param ) .. '">' -- external links local nogoogle = string.lower( args.nogoogle or '' ) local noosm = string.lower( args.noosm or '' ) local noyandex = string.lower( args.noyandex or '' ) local pageNameUri = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():partialUrl() if globe == 'earth' then result = result .. '<span title="Показать карту">' .. mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'maplink', content = '[' .. maplinkContent .. ']', args = maplinkArgs } .. '</span>' if nogoogle == '' or noosm == '' or noyandex == '' then result = result .. '<sup class="geo-services noprint">' result = result .. '<span class="geo-geohack" title="Карты и инструменты на GeoHack">' .. '[https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?language=ru&pagename=' .. pageNameUri .. '¶ms=' .. uriComponents .. ' ' .. '<span>H</span>]</span>' if nogoogle == '' then result = result .. '<span class="geo-google" title="Это место на «Картах Google»">[https://maps.google.com/maps?' .. 'll=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. ',' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. '&q=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. ',' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. '&spn=' .. (scale / 1000000) .. ',' .. (scale / 1000000) .. '&t=h&hl=ru ' .. '<span>G</span>]</span>' end if noyandex == '' then result = result .. '<span class="geo-yandex" title="Это место на «Яндекс.Картах»">[https://yandex.ru/maps/' .. '?ll=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. ',' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. '&pt=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. ',' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. '&spn=' .. (scale / 1000000) .. ',' .. (scale / 1000000) .. '&l=' .. 'sat,skl ' .. '<span>Я</span>]</span>' end if noosm == '' then result = result .. '<span class="geo-osm" title="Это место на карте OpenStreetMap">[https://www.openstreetmap.org/?' .. 'mlat=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. '&mlon=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. '&zoom=' .. zoom .. ' ' .. '<span>O</span>]</span>' end result = result .. '</sup>' end else -- FIXME [[phab:T151138]] result = result .. '[https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?language=ru&pagename=' .. pageNameUri .. '¶ms=' .. uriComponents .. ' ' .. inner .. ']' if globe == 'moon' or globe == 'mars' and nogoogle == '' then result = result .. '<sup class="geo-services noprint"><span class="geo-google" title="Это место на «Картах Google»">[https://www.google.com/' .. globe .. '/#lat=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] .. '&lon=' .. coordinateSpec["dec-long"] .. '&zoom=7' .. '&map=visible' .. '&apollo= <span>G</span>]</span></sup>' end end result = result .. '</span>' local geodata = '' if coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] and coordinateSpec["dec-long"] then if globe ~= 'earth' and globe ~= 'moon' then if tonumber(coordinateSpec["dec-long"]) < 0 then coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = tostring(360 + tonumber(coordinateSpec["dec-long"])) end end local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() local geodataparams = {[1] = coordinateSpec["dec-lat"], [2] = coordinateSpec["dec-long"], [3] = coordinateSpec["extra_param"], ['globe'] = globe } if string.find( Display, 'title' ) ~= nil and mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespace(0) then geodataparams[4] = 'primary' end if coordinateSpec["name"] then geodataparams.name = coordinateSpec["name"] end geodata = frame:callParserFunction('#coordinates', geodataparams ) result = result .. geodata end return errors and result .. errors or result end --[[ Formats any error messages generated for display ]] function errorPrinter(errors) local result = "" for i,v in ipairs(errors) do local errorHTML = '<strong class="error">Координаты: ' .. v[2] .. '</strong>' result = result .. errorHTML .. "<br />" end if result ~= '' then if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespace(0) then return result .. '[[Категория:Страницы с некорректными тегами координат]]' else return result end end end --[[ Determine the required CSS class to display coordinates Usually geo-nondefault is hidden by CSS, unless a user has overridden this for himself default is the mode as specificied by the user when calling the {{coord}} template mode is the display mode (dec or dms) that we will need to determine the css class for ]] function displayDefault(default, mode) if default == "" then default = "dec" end if default == mode then return "geo-default" else return "geo-nondefault" end end --[[ Check the input arguments for coord to determine the kind of data being provided and then make the necessary processing. ]] function formatTest(args) local result, errors; local param, extra_param = {}, {} local globe = string.lower( args.globe or '' ) if not globe_list:find('|' .. globe .. '|') then return nil, errorPrinter( {{"formatTest", "неизвестный глобус"}} ) end if args[4] == "" and args[5] == "" and args[6] == "" then -- dec logic result, errors = parseDec( args[1], args[2], args['format'] ) param = { args[1], "N", args[2], "E", args[3] }; elseif dmsTest(args[4], args[8]) then -- dms logic result, errors = parseDMS( args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args['format'] ) param = { args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9] }; if args[10] ~= '' then table.insert( errors, { 'formatTest', 'неожиданные дополнительные параметры' } ); end elseif dmsTest(args[3], args[6]) then -- dm logic result, errors = parseDMS( args[1], args[2], nil, args[3], args[4], args[5], nil, args[6], args['format'] ) param = { args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7] }; if args[8] ~= '' then table.insert( errors, { 'formatTest', 'неожиданные дополнительные параметры' } ); end elseif dmsTest(args[2], args[4]) then -- d logic result, errors = parseDMS( args[1], nil, nil, args[2], args[3], nil, nil, args[4], args['format'] ) param = { args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] }; if args[6] ~= '' then table.insert( errors, { 'formatTest', 'неожиданные дополнительные параметры' } ); end else -- Error return nil, errorPrinter( {{"formatTest", "неизвестный формат аргумента"}} ) end if not result then return nil, errorPrinter( errors ) end result.name = args["name"] local last = table.getn (param) if param[last] == '' then table.remove(param, last) end local extra_params = { 'dim', 'globe', 'scale', 'region', 'source', 'type' } for _, v in ipairs( extra_params ) do if (args[v] or '') ~= '' then table.insert( extra_param, v .. ':' .. args[v] ); end end result.param = table.concat( param , '_' ); result.extra_param = table.concat( extra_param , '_' ); return result, errorPrinter( errors ) end --[[ Helper function, convert decimal latitude or longitude to degrees, minutes, and seconds format based on the specified precision. ]] function convert_dec2dms(coordinate, firstPostfix, secondPostfix, precision) local coord = tonumber(coordinate) or 0 local postfix if coord >= 0 then postfix = firstPostfix else postfix = secondPostfix end precision = precision:lower(); if precision == "dms" then return convert_dec2dms_dms( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix; elseif precision == "dm" then return convert_dec2dms_dm( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix; elseif precision == "d" then return convert_dec2dms_d( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix; end end --[[ Helper function, convert decimal to degrees ]] function convert_dec2dms_d(coordinate) local d = math_mod._round( coordinate, 0 ) .. "°" return d .. "" end --[[ Helper function, convert decimal to degrees and minutes ]] function convert_dec2dms_dm(coordinate) coordinate = math_mod._round( coordinate * 60, 0 ); local m = coordinate % 60; coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 ); local d = coordinate % 360 .."°" return d .. string.format( "%02d′", m ) end --[[ Helper function, convert decimal to degrees, minutes, and seconds ]] function convert_dec2dms_dms(coordinate) coordinate = math_mod._round( coordinate * 60 * 60, 0 ); local s = coordinate % 60 coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - s) / 60 ); local m = coordinate % 60 coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 ); local d = coordinate % 360 .."°" return d .. string.format( "%02d′", m ) .. string.format( "%02d″", s ) end --[[ Convert DMS format into a N or E decimal coordinate ]] function convert_dms2dec(direction, degrees_str, minutes_str, seconds_str) local degrees = tonumber(degrees_str) or 0 local minutes = tonumber(minutes_str) or 0 local seconds = tonumber(seconds_str) or 0 local factor direction = mw.ustring.gsub(direction, '^[ ]*(.-)[ ]*$', '%1'); if direction == "S" or direction == "W" then factor = -1 else factor = 1 end local precision = 0 if seconds_str ~= nil and seconds_str ~= '' then precision = 5 + math.max( math_mod._precision(seconds_str), 0 ); elseif minutes_str ~= nil and minutes_str ~= '' then precision = 3 + math.max( math_mod._precision(minutes_str), 0 ); else precision = math.max( math_mod._precision(degrees_str), 0 ); end local decimal = factor * (degrees+(minutes+seconds/60)/60) return string.format( "%." .. precision .. "f", decimal ) -- not tonumber since this whole thing is string based. end --[[ Checks input values to for out of range errors. ]] function validate( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, long_d, long_m, long_s, source, strong ) local errors = {}; if long_d == nil or long_d == '' then table.insert(errors, {source, "пропущена долгота"}) end if lat_d == nil or lat_d == '' then table.insert(errors, {source, "пропущена широта"}) end lat_d = tonumber( lat_d ) or 0; lat_m = tonumber( lat_m ) or 0; lat_s = tonumber( lat_s ) or 0; long_d = tonumber( long_d ) or 0; long_m = tonumber( long_m ) or 0; long_s = tonumber( long_s ) or 0; if strong then if lat_d < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "градусы широты < 0"}) end if long_d < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "градусы долготы < 0"}) end --[[ #coordinates is inconsistent about whether this is an error. If globe: is specified, it won't error on this condition, but otherwise it will. For not simply disable this check. if long_d > 180 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees > 180 with hemisphere flag"}) end ]] end if lat_d > 90 then table.insert(errors, {source, "градусы широты > 90"}) end if lat_d < -90 then table.insert(errors, {source, "градусы широты < -90"}) end if lat_m >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "минуты широты >= 60"}) end if lat_m < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "минуты широты < 0"}) end if lat_s >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "секунды широты >= 60"}) end if lat_s < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "секунды широты < 0"}) end if long_d >= 360 then table.insert(errors, {source, "градусы долготы >= 360"}) end if long_d <= -360 then table.insert(errors, {source, "градусы долготы <= -360"}) end if long_m >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "минуты долготы >= 60"}) end if long_m < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "минуты долготы < 0"}) end if long_s >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "секунды долготы >= 60"}) end if long_s < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "секунды долготы < 0"}) end return errors; end local function splitCoord(args, s) if s and s~= nil then local iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(s, "[^/]+"); local i = 1; for w in iterator do args[i] = w; i = i + 1; end end for i=1,10 do if args[i] == nil then args[i] = "" else args[i] = args[i]:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ); --remove whitespace end end return args end --[[ Helper function to determine whether to use D, DM, or DMS format depending on the precision of the decimal input. ]] function coordinates.determineMode( value1, value2 ) local precision = math.max( math_mod._precision( value1 ), math_mod._precision( value2 ) ); if precision <= 0 then return 'd' elseif precision <= 2 then return 'dm'; else return 'dms'; end end --[[ coord Main entry point for Lua function to replace {{coord}} Usage: {{ Invoke:Coordinates | coord }} {{ Invoke:Coordinates | coord | lat | long }} {{ Invoke:Coordinates | coord | lat | lat_flag | long | long_flag }} ... Refer to {{coord}} documentation page for many additional parameters and configuration options. Note: This function provides the visual display elements of {{coord}}. In order to load coordinates into the database, the {{#coordinates:}} parser function must also be called, this is done automatically in the Lua version of {{coord}}. ]] function coordinates.coord(frame) local args = frame.args if args[1] == nil then local pFrame = frame:getParent(); args = pFrame.args; for k,v in pairs( frame.args ) do args[k] = v; end end local coord = args.coord or nil; args = splitCoord(args, coord) args['format'] = args['format'] or ''; Display = string.lower(args.display or "inline") local contents = specPrinter(args) local Notes = args.notes or "" if Display == '' then Display = 'inline'; end local text = '' if string.find( Display, 'inline' ) ~= nil then text = displayinline(contents, Notes) end if string.find( Display, 'title' ) ~= nil then displaytitle_ = true text = text .. displaytitle(contents, Notes) end return text end function coordinates.getLon(frame) local args = frame.args args = splitCoord(args, args[1]) local out = formatTest(args) return out['dec-long'] end function coordinates.getLat(frame) local args = frame.args args = splitCoord(args, args[1]) local out = formatTest(args) return out['dec-lat'] end return coordinates
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